File Has Input TextBox Greyed out by Default

element form input type = file has a text input box is clicked on by default
i cann't type, edit or paste in the textbox, this is for IE8 and only IE9

Is there a way to allow text to be entered into this box again?
is there another method to send the file, bcoz i need the option to edit in my project
i used to connect a folder like this
K: SP Files SP-000 501 - SP-001 000 SP-000 501 - SP-000 600 SP-000 507

if i browse using input type = file or upload files that method will stop at end of file
like this
K: SP Files SP-000 501 - SP-001 000 SP-000 501 - SP-000 600 SP-000 507 13.11.01.doc opinions written

so I need to remove the written oipnion 13.11.01.doc

whether there are other methods available to upload

can any one help me please,

here is my coding,


<asp:Literal runat="server" id="DocLocationLabel" Text="E-Document Location">

<td class="dfv" colspan="3" nowrap="">
<input type="file" id="DocLoc" style="color: 620px;" runat="server" />
<Asp: TextBox runat = "server" ID = "DocLocation" Columns = "50" MaxLength = "50" CssClass = "field_input" RichTextEditorType = "ASP Multi-line" Height = "0" width = "0" textmode = " MultiLine ">

<BaseClasses: TextBoxMaxLengthValidator runat = "server" id = "DocLocationTextBoxMaxLengthValidator" ControlToValidate = "DocLocation" ="<%# GetResourceValue ErrorMessage ("Val: ValueTooLong", "CaseMS"). Replace ("{FieldName}", "E-Document Location ")%>"> </ BaseClasses: TextBoxMaxLengthValidator> <br /> <asp:Literal runat="server" id="LblDocLocation">

</ Td>


If Me.DocLoc.PostedFile.FileName.Length <> 0 Then
Me.DocLocation.Text = System.IO.Path.GetFullPath (Me.DocLoc.PostedFile.FileName)
End If

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