Windows 7 Beta

Speculation when the beta version of the Windows operating system 7 rocket finally answered. DVD beta version of Windows 7 will be distributed to the participants of the Microsoft MDC next month.
"All participants will get the DVD version of the Windows 7 beta," so the sound of the announcement on the site MSDN Developer Conferences (MDC)
However, Microsoft can not ensure that when the beta version of the DVD of the Vista operating system is trying to participants MDC, and stored before 13 January 2009.
MDC itself will be held in 11 cities in the United States from December 2008 were: Houston (9 December), Orlando (11 December) and Atlanta (16 December). Then been to Chicago, Minneapolis, Washington, New York, Boston, Detroit, Dallas, and San Francisco in January-February 2009.
Well, not yet known when the final version of the Windows operating system 7 is chute. Vista is planned successor will be 'born' in one to two years.
next news : Windows 7 will be Windows Vista Slide