How to find the printer on the network LAN First: enter the unit and Winspool Printers in the uses clause. PsName parameter is the name of the computer in the network and store in TStrings. We can use the Combo or ListBox. The following snippets of source code it function TForm1.GetPrintServers(psName: string): TStrings; var lpBuffer,lpPrinterInfo: PChar; lcCount,lcNumCount : DWord ; liCount,liAux:integer; lsAuxNome:TStrings; function GetContexts ( pctipo : cardinal; ppName : PChar ):TStringlist; var liCont : integer; lsNome:string; lbPode:boolean; begin lbPode:=false; Result:=TStringlist.Create; case pcTipo of 8: lbPode := EnumPrinters(pctipo,ppName,1,PByte(lpBuffer),lcCount,lcCount, lcNumCount); 16: lbPode := EnumPrinters(pctipo,nil,1,PByte(lpBuffer),lcCount,lcCount, lcNumCount); end; if not lbPode then Exit; lpPrinterInfo := lpBuffer; for licont := 0 to lcNumCount - 1 do begin with PPrinterInfo1(lpPrinterInfo)^ ...