
Menampilkan postingan dari Juli, 2011

vb6 Msflexgrid can sending to Excel Cell

This time we will create a small program how vb6 Msflexgrid can send data to a program in Microsoft Offrice MsExcel. The first step we have to do is. Create a new project, then a Msflexgrid control and CommandButton control from the component select Microsoft FlexGrid Control 6.0. as well as to add a CommandButton control to do the same steps. Then we add a reference to Microsoft Excel Object Reference uyaitu 11.0. The trick is, on the Project main menu, the submenu at the bottom there is a sub menu named references, the menu function to add other references required by the program that we are making. And what we need now is a reference from MsExcel. Do a browse, then select Microsoft Excel 11.0 Object. Up here we have save the project means that these references, and then we can use. Add the following program code: Private Sub Command2_Click() Dim i As Integer i = 1 With MSFlexGrid1 .FixedRows = 1 .FixedCols = 0 .Rows = i .Cols = 3 .TextMatrix(i - 1, 0...

vb6 msflexgrid

         One of the control or component in program Visual Basic 6.0 is vb6 msflexgrid . Function and their role is similar to mshflexgrid . Which displays the data in the form of rows and columns. Or if in the form of web programming output more use html tables. Control is a little different with mshflexgrid.               The use of control is very simple and easy. To add in a form can be added as follows:         Create a new project in Visual Basic 6.0 program, and then add a form. To add a component or control vb6 msflexgrid into a then double click the control that is in the collection box components. If no then you have not added control into the collection box components.         For that you must add it by right-clicking on the area of the component box, then check that in a control called Micros...

Create a Control CommandButton When The Program Runs

         This time we will create a control CommandButton on the programs currently running. In visual basic tutorial will explain how the component or control in VB6 is very easy for the programmer.  The first step, as usual you open a new project in VB6 or Visual Basic 6.0, then make a new project. Add a form and two control commandbuton.          Having the first Control CommandButton caption ComandButton1 created as an array so as to have command1 (0) and only command1 (1), then remove the command (1).          The second Control CommandButton without the array so that his name remains Command2.  Then in command2 give commands on a click event as follows:      Dim i As Integer, iTop As Integer, iLeft As Integer  Private Sub Command2_Click()     iTop = Command1(i).Top + Command1(i).Height  ...

Tutorial Visual Basic 6.0 : Listbox in VB6

In Visual Basic 6.0 Tutorial explained that the property on the ListBox control will determine whether the sign is displayed or not the checkbox next to each item. If the city checkbox is displayed then the ListBox displays the form of multiple choices by checking the checkboxnya. But if not shown, then only one data that can be selected. ListBox in VB6 has its own characteristics, ie when the event raised ItemCheck, propertynya has actually changed. In this control , provides an array of data as a place of shelter data. References it is the index. Array is an array list that starts from zero on the item STRING and what the user saw. ItemData array is an array of LONG INTEGER items where you can place an optional numeric data item associated with the item strings accordingly. If ItemData used, each element is always in touch with the appropriate element from the array list, which means it is not an independent array. You can not control the property Listbox i...

Select Single Cell in MSHFlexgrid

         How to use MSHFlexgrid in selecting a particular column. It is very easy, as shown in the picture below. For example a data has been shown in contorl MSHFlexgrid, then the user will select one of the existing data in that column, then the program for manangkap data chosen by the user are as follows:        Private Sub Command1_Click()       MsgBox (MSHFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(MSHFlexGrid1.Row, MSHFlexGrid1.Col))  End Sub     More topic of Mshflexgrid    -. How to Use MSHFlexgrid ?  -. Mshflexgrid with Adodc  -. Editable MSHFlexgrid  -. Attach textbox to MSHFlexgrid  -. MSHFlexgrid select a cell and change background

MSHFlexgrid select a cell and change background

         To change the color on the column or cell that is selected on the control MSHFlexgrid is very easy. Open a new project in Visual Basic 6.0, add one form and one control MSHFlexgrid. So that practice could easily give MSHFlexgrid the control data. Then with one CommandButton button, you give a command like the following:    Private Sub Command1_Click()       MSHFlexGrid1.CellBackColor = vbRed  End Sub            If the program is executed, then the produce is if the user selects the cell in the grid, then the button is pressed then the effect is the cell will change color according to the above statements.       More topic of Mshflexgrid    -. How to Use MSHFlexgrid ?  -. Mshflexgrid with Adodc  -. Editable MSHFlexgrid  -. Attach textbox to MSHFlexgrid  -. Select Single Cell in MSHFlexgrid

Attach textbox to MSHFlexgrid

        In this session we will discusses how to utilize MSHFlexgrid which can be edited with the help of the textbox control. Now just open your Visual Basic program. Then create a new project, add MSHFlexgrid control and a textbox control. For example we are setting the grid has 10 rows and 10 columns, then diform form load event add the following command:      Private Sub Form_Load()      MSHFlexGrid1.Rows = 10     MSHFlexGrid1.Cols = 10  End Sub    Later in the event of MSHFlexgrid entercell, give the following command:    Private Sub MSHFlexGrid1_EnterCell()        Text1.Height = MSHFlexGrid1.CellHeight        Text1.Width = MSHFlexGrid1.CellWidth        Text1.Top = MSHFlexGrid1.CellTop + MSHFlexGrid1.Top        Text1.Left...

Editable MSHFlexgrid

        This time we will practice how to control MSHFlexgrid just like excel can be edited, without the help of other components. Whether it can be done by MSHFlexgrid ? The answer is that it can.           Open a new project in VB6 you, then add the control MSHFlexgrid. On the property form KeyPreview = true property setting. Then in the keypress event of MSHFlexgrid add the following:      Private Sub MSHFlexgrid1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)  Select Case KeyAscii            Case vbKeyReturn, vbKeyTab                    If MSHFlexgrid1.Col + 1                       MSHFlexgrid1.Col = MSHFlexgrid1.Col + 1   ...

Mshflexgrid with Adodc

         This time we will discusses how to use control mshflexgrid taking adodc data connection. Suppose you want to display a set of data from Microsoft Access database or other databases, then the way is very easy.            Open your new project. Then add the control mshflexgrid and control addc by right-clicking in the box area component, then add the two control. If you've added, then both the control will be there in a box set of control components. The next step is to add a second control, into a form.  In adodc control, setting the following property:          Right click on the control, then select the tab konection string, select the database we will show. In the above example we take BBLIO existing database in visual basic folder.         Press the Test button to test whether the database co...

How to Use Mshflexgrid

        Now we will practice how to use the control Mshflexgrid in a form. Open a new project in VB6, then add Mshflexgrid control and a CommandButton control. Let the names of the control by default.    Type the following code in the CommandButton.    Private Sub Command1_Click()  Dim Nomor(5)  Dim Names(5)  Nomor(1) = "10001"  Nomor(2) = "10002"  Nomor(3) = "10003"  Nomor(4) = "10004"  Nomor(5) = "10005"  Names(1) = "Abraham"  Names(2) = "Pill Collin"  Names(3) = "Collina"  Names(4) = "Stoner"  Names(5) = "Paul"  With MSHFlexGrid1       .Rows = 6       .Cols = 3       .TextMatrix(1, 1) = Nomor(1)       .TextMatrix(1, 2) = Names(1)       .TextMatrix(2, 1) = Nomor(2)       .TextMatrix(...


        One component in Visual Basic that is often used is MSHFLEXGRID . In the programs that we build applications, components are usually used to display data in the form of columns and rows.          How to add a form control in the way is as follows:  Right-click in the box area components, it will display a number of components vb. Then choose the components that have the name Microsoft Herarchical Flexgrid Contorl 6.0, as shown below.             Once the selected components to be added in the component box, then the next to add falam form to double-click the control mshflexgrid. The result will look like the picture below.              At first glance it appears that the components are the same as the control flexgrid. The difference is highly perceived by contorl flexgrid is i...

Tutorial Visual Basic 6.0 : Control Shape

          In Visual Basic 6.0 , Shape control provides an easy way to draw rectangles, circles and other shapes at desing form. Shape control is a control that takes meori very light.            In Visual Basic 2005 tutorial , there is no equivalent to controls in terms of drought pemakainan Shape memory.At design time, you can draw a square or rectangular shape on the form by adding a Label control and set the Text property, property for FixedSingle BorderStyle and BackColor, Width, and Height to the desired color and size desired.            On the program is run, you can draw a rectangle, ellipse, in the form of the complex in the event handler of a form by creating a new object of the Graphics class and call the method.            In Visual Basic 6.0, you can use the Sh...

Tutorial Visual Basic 6.0 : Control FileListBox

           Visual Basic 6.0 FileListBox control is typically used to select the file in File Open or File Save dialog box.            In Visual Basic 2005 , Windows Forms OpenFileDialog and SaveFileDialog components provide the ability to create standard Windows dialog box that can work with files, in some cases eliminate the need to control property FileListBox .            We recommend that you use the method OpenFileDialog and SaveFileDialog components to provide comfort to. If you feel the need to create your own file dialog box, Visual Basic 2005 also provides control FileListBox as part of the Microsoft Compatibility Library Visual Basic Runtime. You must be read the tutorial else. Top Topic Next Topic >>

Tutorial Visual Basic 6.0 : Control DirListBox

           DirListBox in Visual Basic 6.0 is used to display the directory listing. Therefore, its use in the control DirListBox used simultaneously with the control DriveListBox, even if you want a complete list of files in a directory, can be combined in use with the control FileListBox .            How to add control DirListBox on a form is to double click the image control DirListBox , it would appear DirListBox control on the form. By default the control will have DirListBox1 name.            in this tutorial you must remember then important event on the control DirListBox this is the event change, ie when the user selects a directory. This event can be combined its use with control FileListBox.  For example when the user selects a directory, then. Top Topic Next Topic >>

Tutorial Visual Basic 6.0 : Control DriveListBox

           DriveListBox Control in Visual Basic 6.0 is usually used to display the drives that exist on the computer. How to add on the form is to double click the image DriveListBox control, then control DriveListBox will appear on the form. By default the control will have DriveListBox1 name. If you want to add more DriveListBox control on the form, then the way is to double click the image control DriveListBox, then the new DriveListBox control will appear on the form, and will have the name DriveListBox2.By default. DriveListBox control will display a list of drives that exist on the computer.            In this tutorial, figure can be show the illlustration.            Important event is the event on the control DriveListBox change. On the change event function can be used together with DirListBox.  For example in ...

Tutorial Visual Basic 6.0 : Control Timer

           Timer is a control in Visual Basic 6.0 that is normally used for all the properties associated with the clock. For example, if you want to display a clock in real time, then the Timer control can be used. Can also be used for example if you want to create a count function in the form of hours, then the control timer can be used.            How to add a timer control on the form are as follows: this tutorial can follow you to practice.            Double click an image control timer, the timer control will appear on the form. By default the control will have the name Timer1 and without a caption. The difference with the controls the other is the timer control will not appear on from the application when the application is started. If you want to add another Timer control on a form so how is the double image cklick c...

Tutorial Visual Basic 6.0 : Control ScrollBar

          Control the scrollbar in Visual Basic 6.0 is used when we want to create a display that is controlled by the user, such as the scrollbar on microsoft windows applications in general.            In this tutorial to add to the form the way is as follows:            Double click on the box that controls the scrollbar component, then control the scrollbar will appear on the form that you create. By default the control has a property name and caption ScrollBar1. If you want to add these controls on the form, the way he is double click the image control components of the scrollbar on the box, then the form will pop up a new scrollbar. By default will have the name and property scrollBar3.            Similarly to the next if you want to add control. Property name and c...

Tutorial Visual Basic 6.0 : Control OptionButton

        OptionButton Control is a control that is often used when you want to restrict users on a particular option. User or a user limited to a single choice from several options alternatf. For example in this tutorial , if you want to display the options on the form biadata sexes, then the user is only entitled to choose one gender only.        How to add it on the form is by double klcik Option Button control in the city component. Then control OptionButton will appear on the form. By default, the control has a property name and caption OptionButton1 OptionButton1. If you add a control OptionButton again by double click the control in the component box, then control it by default would have a property name and caption OptionButton2.         In Visual Basic 6.0 to facilitate the management of controls on the application form should be, the property changed names. And capt...

Tutorial Visual Basic 6.0 : Control CheckBox

          Two of the more useful controls in Visual Basic 6.0 toolbox is the CheckBox Control. You can use the Control when you want to give the user some options. You can add the Control on the form, and then combine it with other attributes control. Eg Options on the user to read what the user selected.           In this tutorial to create a new project. Find the checkbox control in the component box. Double click the checkbox and the checkbox control will appear on your new form.You will notice that the checkbox has the Text property of CheckBox1 by default, and the Name property CheckBox1. If you double click again on the checkbox icon in the component box, the new control will be called CheckBox2, with the caption and name CheckBox2 property. Top Topic Next Topic >>

Tutorial Visual Basic 6.0 : Control CommandButton

          You can set some properties on Command Button at the design (such as Name and Caption properties). You can set some properties in both design time and at runtime in the event procedure code and other modules, and you can set some properties (such as the entry box that list) only at runtime from within the program.            In Visual Basic 6. 0 the all control property that appears in the Properties window can be set at design time, and some you can set at runtime as well. As you learn more about Visual Basic , you will become familiar with the properties you can set only at runtime.            You will set the name of the command button and the Caption property most of the time, setting the Caption property often require that you change the font to increase or decrease the text size and style of the posts. Of cours...


         Frame control in Visual Basic 6.0 is replaced by two controls in Visual Basic 2008: ie the Panel control and GroupBox control. Differences in concepts         In Visual Basic 6.0 , the Frame control is used as a container for grouping controls that control the others. While in Visual Basic 2008, the Frame control is replaced by one of the GroupBox control or control panel.         Control GroupBox is the same function as the control frame with a BorderStyle property. While the control panel is the same as the control frame with the property BorderStyle 0.         In addition, there are many conceptual differences for all controls, including differences in handling data binding, font, drag and drop, other properties. Top Topic Next Topic >>

Text Box

           Visual Basic 6.0 , the MaxLength property to determine the number of characters that can be put in TextBox Control . If you try to insert text into TextBox control, the text will be cut along specified by the MaxLength property.           In Visual Basic 2008, the MaxLength property of behavior no longer applies to text that is added programming code. Same as the behavior of Visual Basic 6.0, you need to cut the strings themselves.           In Visual Basic 6.0 , PasswordChar property is of type String, in Visual Basic 2008 is of type Char.In addition, there are differences in concepts that apply to all control, including differences in the handling of data binding in Copntrol, such as fonts, operating drag-and-drop, and more.           The following examples illustrate differenc...

Tutorial Visual Basic 6.0

           Visual Basic 6.0 is prmrograman language that is widely used in the programming world. Tutorial on using Visual Basic 6.0 is also very much in number. On the internet you just search by keyword tutorial visual basic 6.0 , it will be found many sites that discuss the use of Visual Basic 6.0 . And in particular and complete you can find the official site to belong Microsoft .           This blog will provide a brief tutorial with examples and tips and tricks pemrogrammnya. Topics will be divided into several groups: A. Tutorials , which will discuss the controls that exist in Visual Basic 6.0 B. Example code , which will give you a simple picture of how to use vb (visual basic). C. Tips and Tricks A. tutorials Text Box Frame CommandButton CheckBox OptionButton ScrollBar Timer DriveListBox DirListBox FileListBox Shape MSHFLEXGRID Listbox Msflexgrid

Create an ArrayList

The ArrayList object is a collection of items containing a single data value. Items are added to the ArrayList with the Add() method. The following code creates a new ArrayList object named mycountries and four items are added: <script runat="server"> Sub Page_Load if Not Page.IsPostBack then dim mycountries=New ArrayList mycountries.Add("Norway") mycountries.Add("Sweden") mycountries.Add("France") mycountries.Add("Italy") end if end sub </script> By default, an ArrayList object contains 16 entries. An ArrayList can be sized to its final size with the TrimToSize() method: <script runat="server"> Sub Page_Load if Not Page.IsPostBack then dim mycountries=New ArrayList mycountries.Add("Norway") mycountries.Add("Sweden") mycountries.Add("France") mycountries.Add("Italy") mycountries.TrimToSize() end if end sub </script> An ArrayList can also b...

Neat ASP.NET Trick: Multiple Forms on a Page

Playing around today, and I know strange tricks with ASP.NET 1.1. If you try to add two forms to ASP.NET pages, you get a nice error: A page can have one server-side Form tag. Apparently, the message must be added to read: A page can have only one visible server-side Form tag. This form has a Visible property. Where we can switch back and forth. The default value is true, and only the HTML for the visible form is provided to clients. If the Visible property. The shape is wrong, still can coexist on the page, not only given to clients. This could be interesting to implement something similar to the control wizard in ASP.NET 2.0. <% @ Page Language = "c #"%> <DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "- / / W3C / / DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional / / EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <title> WebForm1 </ title> <script runat=server language="C#"> private void Page_Load (object sender, System.EventArgs e) { Form1.Visible = Form1.Visible;! Form2.Visible = Form2....

ASP.NET AJAX Calendar Extender – Tips and Tricks

The CalendarExtender is an ASP.NET AJAX Control That Is associated with a TextBox control. When the user clicks on the TextBox, a client-side Calendar control pops up. The user can then set a date by clicking on a day, navigate months by clicking on the left and right arrow and perform other actions without a postback Such. In this article, We Will see some tips and tricks That can be applied to a CalendarExtender control. If you are new to the CalendarExtender control, you can check out some information about it over here. I assume you have some basic experience developing ASP.NET Ajax applications and have installed the ASP.NET Ajax Library and ASP.NET Control Toolkit. As of this writing, the toolkit version is Version 1.0.20229 (if you are targeting Framework 2.0, ASP.NET AJAX 1.0 and Visual Studio 2005) and Version 3.0.20229 (if targeting. NET Framework 3.5 and Visual Studio 2008). All the tips shown below have been created using Version 3.0.20229 (targeting. NET Framework 3.5 and ...

How to make your ASP.Net label multiline (how to wrap text in your label)

First, sorry for the absence. It gets a bit busy in life and work. Not to mention getting up to speed on the 2.0 a big rush. All good things, but leave little time for fun stuff. With that said, I would like to offer some tips to help you with ASP.Net page format. Getting a multiline label in the specified width. Now many of you know this trick, but I always have to recall the trick every time I need it, so this post could be a reference for you as well. The trick actually is - Do not use labels. Use a textbox instead. Because all controls inherit from the same base class, text boxes and labels are very similar as well. But only the textbox has the multiline capability. Once you have a textbox on your page the trick is to make it look like a label for end users. To do this, you need to set the following properties (this is the part I never remember): Wrap = true; (clear) row = {some number greater than 0} (I use the property line than the high property because it tends earier to get th...

Setting the Value of a TextBox with TextMode=Password

When the property of the TextBox ASP.NET textmode set password value set in the Text property will not display at runtime. This can be a pain, but actually by design to prevent passwords from being displayed unmasked in the HTML source of the page. While good security reasons for not displaying the value of the masked password, leave it to unmask the source, is also necessary at times to display the masked value in the TextBox. For example, the user profile page where the user has the ability to change their passwords. It makes sense to display there. After all, the user has authenticated to get to the page (although the value is sent with the data to the browser and can easily sniff). Side security reasons, you can work around this by adding value as a password to control attributes. Since the TextBox renders as an HTML input controls, you can set the attribute value with easy, as you would set the Text property. PasswordText.Attributes.Add ("value", "ThePassword")...

ASP.NET CSS Highlight TextBox on Focus

Many sites have a useful visual way to show the user what the TextBox (input text control) is currently focused or selected by highlighting the control with a background color like yellow. When you tab or click into the TextBox, the border and background are usually changed to show it has focus. Here is what TextBox will look like when it is focused and unfocused after applying this trick:

The CustomValidator Control

Controls the end we have included in ASP.NET is one that adds great flexibility with our validation capabilities. We have a custom validator where we can write our own function and pass the control value for this function. Field: <asp:textbox id="textbox1" runat="server"> <asp: CustomValidator id = "valCustom" runat = "server" ControlToValidate = "textbox1" ClientValidationFunction = "ClientValidate" OnServerValidate = "ServerValidate" ErrorMessage = "* This box is not valid" dispaly = "dynamic"> * </ Asp: CustomValidator> You will see that there are two new attributes ClientValidationFunction and OnServerValidate. This is to notify the control validation function to pass values &#8203;&#8203;to ControlToValidate. ClientValidationFunction is JavaScript functions are usually included in the HTML of your webpage. OnServerValidate is a function that is se...

The RegularExpressionValidator Control

Regular expression validator is one of the more powerful features ASP.NET. Everyone liked the regular expressions. Especially when you write them evil-and the really big then a few days later, look at that and say to yourself: What does this do? Again, simple usage is: E-mail: ControlToValidate = "textbox1" ValidationExpression =".*@.* \ \ ..* " ErrorMessage = "* Your entry is not an e-mail address is valid." display = "dynamic"> * Here are the services I want to use to check My regular expressions for validity.

ASP.NET Input Validation Controls

Back when we only ASP, developers who have to write webpages for forms knew that the most tedious part is writing code to validate user input. users input must be validated so that malicious use of the page can not be reached. User input must be validated so that the piece is wrong information will not be included. User input must be validated so information stored is the standard. Yes, some people had libraries of ASP functions to validate common things such as post code (zip code for your America), e-mail address, phone number, etc. to see ASP.NET developers boredom always have to check user input. They decided that in order to simplify we live with, including validation controls. ASP.NET validation controls also provide two ways validation: Server-side or client side. The nice thing about these Validation control is that it will perform client-side validation when it detects browsers can (unless the client-side validation was disabled). thereby reducing roundtrips. And it will do se...

File Has Input TextBox Greyed out by Default

element form input type = file has a text input box is clicked on by default i cann't type, edit or paste in the textbox, this is for IE8 and only IE9 Is there a way to allow text to be entered into this box again? is there another method to send the file, bcoz i need the option to edit in my project i used to connect a folder like this K: SP Files SP-000 501 - SP-001 000 SP-000 501 - SP-000 600 SP-000 507 if i browse using input type = file or upload files that method will stop at end of file like this K: SP Files SP-000 501 - SP-001 000 SP-000 501 - SP-000 600 SP-000 507 13.11.01.doc opinions written so I need to remove the written oipnion 13.11.01.doc whether there are other methods available to upload can any one help me please, here is my coding, Collapse <asp:Literal runat="server" id="DocLocationLabel" Text="E-Document Location"> <td class="dfv" colspan="3" nowrap=""> ...

ASP.NET TextBox.MultiLine maxlength

According to msdn in ASP.NET you can not use the MaxLength property textbox with multiline mode. But I needed in my current application. So I search google and other search engines and finally some solutions. I just compile all the solutions in a single post. Solution No. 1 to ASP.NET TextBox.MultiLine MaxLength Add the following javascript Function Count (text, length) { var MaxLength = new Number (long); / / Change number to your max length. if (document.getElementById (' '). value.length> MaxLength) { text.value.substring text.value = (0, MaxLength); alert ("Only" + length + "characters"); } Where "textBox" is the ID text box asp. Also add the following event in your textbox. onkeyup = "javascript: Count (this, 200);" onChange = "javascript: Count (this, 200);" The code will look like a textbox Servers Solution No. 2 to ASP.NET TextBox.MultiLine MaxLength Another way to achieve ...

Web Server Controls

Web Server Controls Seperti HTML server kontrol, kontrol server Web juga dibuat pada server dan mereka memerlukan runat = "server" atribut untuk bekerja. Namun, kontrol server Web tidak perlu peta untuk setiap elemen HTML yang ada dan mereka mungkin mewakili unsur-unsur lebih kompleks. AdRotator . Menampilkan urutan gambar Button . Menampilkan tombol push Calendar . Menampilkan kalender CalendarDay . Suatu hari di kontrol kalender CheckBox . Menampilkan kotak centang CheckBoxList . Membuat multi-seleksi kelompok centang kotak DataGrid . Menampilkan bidang sumber data dalam grid DataList . Menampilkan item dari sumber data dengan menggunakan template DropDownList . Membuat daftar drop-down HyperLink . Membuat hyperlink Image . Menampilkan gambar ImageButton . Menampilkan gambar diklik Label . Menampilkan konten statis yang diprogram (memungkinkan Anda menerapkan gaya untuk isinya) LinkButton . Membuat tombol hyperlink ListBox . Membuat daftar drop-down tunggal atau mu...

HTML Server Controls

HTML Server Controls Elemen HTML dalam file ASP.NET adalah, secara default, diperlakukan sebagai teks. Untuk membuat elemen-elemen ini dapat diprogram, menambahkan runat = "server" atribut untuk elemen HTML. Atribut ini menunjukkan bahwa unsur harus diperlakukan sebagai kontrol server. HtmlAnchor . Kontrol elemen HTML <a> HtmlButton . Kontrol elemen HTML <button> HtmlForm . Kontrol elemen HTML <form> HtmlGeneric . Kontrol elemen HTML lainnya tidak ditentukan oleh kontrol server HTML tertentu, seperti <body>, <div>, <span>, dll HtmlImage . Kontrol elemen HTML <image> HtmlInputButton . Kontrol <input type="button">, <input type="submit">, dan <input type="reset"> elemen HTML HtmlInputCheckBox. Kontrol suatu <input type="checkbox"> elemen HTML HtmlInputFile. Kontrol suatu <input type="file"> elemen HTML HtmlInputHidden. Kontrol suatu ...

Memulai ASP.NET

Apa Harus Anda Ketahui Sebelum melanjutkan, anda harus memiliki pemahaman dasar berikut: * WWW, HTML, XML dan dasar-dasar membangun halaman Web * Scripting bahasa seperti JavaScript atau VBScript * Dasar-dasar server side scripting seperti ASP atau PHP. Apa Classic ASP? Sebelumnya server Microsoft side scripting teknologi ASP (Active Server Pages) yang sekarang sering disebut ASP klasik. ASP.NET tidak sama dengan ASP ASP.NET adalah generasi berikutnya ASP, tapi itu bukan versi upgrade dari ASP. ASP.NET merupakan teknologi yang sama sekali baru untuk server-side scripting. Itu ditulis dari bawah ke atas dan tidak kompatibel dengan ASP klasik. Anda dapat membaca lebih tentang perbedaan antara ASP dan ASP.NET dalam bab berikutnya dari tutorial ini. ASP.NET merupakan bagian utama dari NET Framework. Microsoft. Apa ASP.NET itu? ASP.NET adalah sisi server scripting teknologi yang memungkinkan skrip (tertanam di halaman web) yang akan dieksekusi oleh server Internet. * ASP.NET ada...

Tutorial ASP.NET

Topik Tutorial ASP.NET 1. ASP.NET References   * ASP.NET Introduction * HTML server controls reference * Web server controls reference * Validation server controls reference 2. ASP.NET Examples 3. Table of Contents   * ASP.NET Introduction * ASP.NET vs ASP * ASP.NET Installing * ASP.NET Pages * ASP.NET Server controls * ASP.NET Events 4. ASP.NET Forms   * ASP.NET Web forms * ASP.NET Maintaining the ViewState * ASP.NET The TextBox control * ASP.NET The Button control 5. ASP.NET Binding   * ASP.NET Data binding * ASP.NET The ArrayList object * ASP.NET The Hashtable object * ASP.NET The SortedList object * ASP.NET XML files * ASP.NET The asp:Repeater control * ASP.NET The asp:DataList control 6. ASP.NET Database 7. ASP.NET 2.0   * ASP.NET 2.0 New Features * ASP.NET 2.0 Master Pages * ASP.NET 2.0 Navigation Controls 8. ASP.NET References   * ASP.NET HTML Server Controls Reference * ASP.NET Web Server Controls Reference * ASP.NET Validation Server Controls Refe...


Topik ASP.NET 1. Artikel 2. Tutorial