vb6 Msflexgrid can sending to Excel Cell
This time we will create a small program how vb6 Msflexgrid can send data to a program in Microsoft Offrice MsExcel. The first step we have to do is. Create a new project, then a Msflexgrid control and CommandButton control from the component select Microsoft FlexGrid Control 6.0. as well as to add a CommandButton control to do the same steps. Then we add a reference to Microsoft Excel Object Reference uyaitu 11.0. The trick is, on the Project main menu, the submenu at the bottom there is a sub menu named references, the menu function to add other references required by the program that we are making. And what we need now is a reference from MsExcel. Do a browse, then select Microsoft Excel 11.0 Object. Up here we have save the project means that these references, and then we can use. Add the following program code: Private Sub Command2_Click() Dim i As Integer i = 1 With MSFlexGrid1 .FixedRows = 1 .FixedCols = 0 .Rows = i .Cols = 3 .TextMatrix(i - 1, 0...